Strategic Risk Forum Series



Strategic Risk Forum 2017
Thursday 18 May 2017,
9.00 – 17.00

Corporate risk and insurance managers and other senior executives responsible for risk management
Attendance to Strategic Risk Forum 2017 is free of charge, exclusively by invitation only, for corporate risk and insurance managers and other senior executives responsible for risk and insurance management. We will confirm your place by email within 48 hours.

Apply to attend

Service providers, insurers and brokers
A limited number of sponsor places are available for insurers, brokers and service providers (consultants, lawyers, software providers). For more information contact Adam Jordan on or +852 9578 0714

StrategicRISK Awards
Thursday 18 May 2017,
19.00 – 22.30

The winners of this year’s StrategicRISK Asia-Pacific Risk Management Awards will be presented at a gala evening reception on Thursday 18 May 2017 (7pm) at the Fullerton Hotel Singapore.

Please note, attendance to StrategicRISK’s Asia-Pacific Risk Management Awards is separate to the Strategic Risk Forum 2017.  If you are attending the Forum and would like to attend the Awards dinner please complete a seperate registration by clicking below

Single Seat US$300
Table of ten US$2,700

 Book a seat/table

Il faut se rappeler que la dysfonction érectile n’affecte que le maintien de l’érection permanente et l’incapacité de l’atteindre, ces paquets avaient été vendus entre EUR 65 et EUR 85 avant la chute des prix. Écoutez ses conseils et ses instructions pour combattre l’éjaculation précoce avec un allié de poids.